Meets virtually from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (EST) on the below dates. Payment collected on October 3, 2024.
Head Coach Responsibilities
The shift from leading a position group or supporting the Head Coach to assuming leadership of an entire program is significant. Successful Head Coaches effectively manage seven crucial leadership responsibilities.
Formulate compelling vision
Mentor, coach and develop leaders
Monitor and coordinate team efforts
Communicate effectively
Delegate responsibilities
Set conditions for successful teams
Build mutual trust
Session 1
Develop Yourself: A Coaching Philosophy
Session 2
Team Alignment: Casting Your Vision
Session 3
Team Environment: Establishing Standards
Session 4
Develop Others: Providing Feedback
Session 5
Develop the Team: The After-Action Review
Session 6
Individually Scheduled
Team Interview: Setting The Conditions
Point of Contact
For additional information contact Ian Palmer at (337) 378-2812 or