Meets virtually from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (EST) on the below dates. Payment collected on October 1, 2024.
Athletics Director Responsibilities
Transitioning from leading a team to leading an entire department is significant. Those excelling in The Chair fulfill strategic leadership roles, directing teams of teams. This course covers six key responsibilities of strategic leaders:
Formulate compelling vision
Mentor, coach and develop leaders
Negotiate with others and build mutual trust
Communicate effectively
Frame solutions amid ambiguity
Set conditions for successful teams and transitions
Session 1
Develop Yourself: A Leader Philosophy
Session 2
Team Alignment: Casting Your Vision
Session 3
Develop Others: Build Your Team
Session 4
Team Environment: Build A Winning Culture
Session 5
Develop Cohesion: Teams & Trust
Session 6
Individually Scheduled
Team Interview: Setting The Conditions
Point of Contact
For additional information contact Ian Palmer at (337) 378-2812 or